Amma in Bengal
Posted on 21. Jan, 2010 by admin-AK in AmmaInBengal, DisasterRelief, Featured, KolkataAshram
A Decade of Service in West Bengal
The true Embodiment of universal love, Divine Mother, Sri Mata Amritandamayi visited Calcutta at the insistence of her devotees in the year 1998 for 2 days. Many recall fond memories of her visits. On the request of devotees who used to hold regular satsangs here, Amma deputed Br. Sadasiva Chaitanya who had successfully setup Ashrams at Hyderabad as well as Amrita Vidyalayams at Hyderabad, Ahmedabad & Durgapur to organize devotees in West Bengal. Thus active humanitarian and spiritual work of the Math in West Bengal commenced from the year 2001.
Amma’s Kolkata Center – The Kolkata Centre of Mata Amritanandamayi Math, was started in November 2004. It is located on beautiful plot of 5 acres near Taratolla Road at Sarkar Pool on Budge Budge Road (5 minutes drive to TaraTola). This ashram is a holistic center …….
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Amrita Vidyalayam at Kolkata – Amma’s Kolkata Ashram at Sarkar Pool is the home of an Amrita Vidyalayam. It is affiliated to CBSE and has an infrastructure to impart modern education while instilling value based concepts and respect for our tradition and culture, at very reasonable fees …….
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FREE Pension & Weekly Charitable Services – Charitable service activities for the benefit of economically weaker sections of the society are held at Amma’s Kolkata Ashram premises on a weekly basis. These include general health check up camps, special checkup camps for Eye, ENT, Diabetes and more …….
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Amrita Kuteerams at Panihati – In 2004, on an initiative from Sri Ashok Bhattacharya, Honorable Minister of Urban Development, Government of West Bengal, and after several rounds of discussions with authorities of Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA), it was finally decided that Mata Amritanandaymayi Math (MAM) and KMDA would jointly construct 275 multi-storied houses at Panihati, Shodepur. …….
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Amrita Kuteerams at Amravati & Bidhanagar – As part of its Amrita Kuteeram Scheme, a FREE housing project for the homeless needy, Amma’s Math in West Bengal constructed 108 independent “pucca” homes. Each home has a size of approximately 220 square feet floor area …….
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Amrita Vidyalayam at Durgapur – Amma’s Math in West Bengal set up its first Amrita Vidyalayam at Bidhan Nagar, Durgapur in a sprawling 5 acre campus in June, 2003. Five more acres were later acquired in the same area for setting up a graduate college …….
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Bihar Flood Relief Work, 2008 – On September 10, 2008, Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM) began its Rs. 2 crore [US $465,000] flood relief program in Bihar in response to the Kosi river’s flooding which had rendered one million people homeless! Amma’s AIMS (Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences) Hospital dispatched teams of specialists and paramedics who treated more than 400 patients daily, sometimes seeing to more than 500 …….
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AILA Cyclone Relief Work, 2009 – Cyclone Aila hit West Bengal and Bangladesh on 25 May 2009. By the time it dissipated a day later, 330 people were dead, more than 8,000 were missing and one million were homeless. Between Indian and Bangladesh, damages exceeded US $40 million …….
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Please click here to view photo albums of Amma’s disaster relief and social work in the eastern states of India.
Being one of the recent beneficiaries of Amma’s benevolence, Amma’s ashrams and centers in West Bengal have done remarkably well. Although their efforts may be only a drop in the ocean of humanitarian services (in the areas of Health care programs, Educational institutions and Cultural & Spiritual engagements) conducted by Amma all over the world, but tiny drops do make up an ocean!
Amma’s subtle divine presence at her ashram, will help the vast population of Kolkata and its suburbs, enabling them to experience the divine love of the “Hugging Saint.” While Amma’s spiritual effulgence has transformed the life of millions around the world and infused talents in various fields for the sake of suffering millions, it goes without saying that West Bengal too will be an integral part of this exclusive worldwide community.
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anindita dasi
30. Mar, 2014
dandavat pranams amma.